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What should be achieved, why and how? This is all about Discovery

Every website has its purpose. What that purpose is, depends on the goals and objectives of the organization behind the site. Someone at some point must have thought: “… and that’s why we need a Website.”
Doing Analytics right forces us to have an evident understanding of these goals and objectives because they define what we will measure and report. After all, the purpose of digital analytics is to quantify how well are we achieving this thing we set out to do.

Three different methods in the Digital Analytics Space come to mind, that capture this idea and make it explicit:

  1. The Digital Marketing and Measurement Model is literaly all about writing down your goals, metrics, target values, and segments
  2. The SDR (Solution Design Reference) which captures Organization Objectives in the form of “Business Questions” and continues in documenting the analytics configuration required to answer these questions.
  3. Google’s HEART Framework and its “GOALS – SIGNALS – METRICS” process.

Thought Process

A top-down thought process might heed the following points

  1. Strategic Goals - On an organizational scale of ToDos what are we trying to accomplish? Consider the organizational purpose, vision, and mission statements
  2. Concrete Objectives - What are we undertaking to accomplish this? How does my Website (or rented online presence on some platform like Facebook or Youtube) assist in this?
  3. Signals - how does success or failure manifest
  4. Metrics - Specific metrics to capture and report
  5. Strategy - Recall the organisations strategy regarding Goals and Objectives and jot down what impact this should have on the Metric(s)
  6. Target Value - Given Objectives, Metrics and Strategy, define expected target values for these Metrics
  7. User-Segments, -Cohorts or -Motives - This is an overlap into Analysis and Reporting. Thinking about drilldowns while defining Objectives and Metrics validates the train of thought and might spark some new refinements

Visitor Perspective

Aproaching the same considerations from the perspective of the website visitor yields two main questions:

  1. What Task would a Visitor like to accomplish?
    For what reason is the website site worthy of attention in someones buissy life with so many other distractions?

  2. What is this moments context for the Visitor?
    Are they on Mobile in a store, trying to remind themselves of something they had looked up previously, or figuring out something new?
    Skimming and rummaging with a tablet while on their couch? Diligently working in an Office?
    Who is the Visitor, what impacts their Task completion?

These two questions should have already come up when desining your website in the form of UX Motives: Who are the Visitors and what are they trying to acomplish. What are visitor expectations, and how can the website meet these expectations?

Types of Metrics

  1. Basic Numbers: Visitors, Pageviews
  2. Understanding Marketing Performance
  3. E-Commerce Data and Engagement
  4. Segmenting (Customers, prospects, staff)
  5. Understanding the User Experience

Aquisition / Who is it?

  • how is the Website displayed – Watch / Phone view or Desktop size?
  • How is interacted - finger or pointer input precision? - Devices
  • How did the Visitor make it to the site – Referred though another site, a marketing campagin, social, search? What are they expecting to find?
  • Kontext, desire, Motiv of the visitors (see above)
  • Cohors of simmilar visitors, Key events the Visitor has previously triggered
  • why is a Visitor here

Behavior / what are they doing

  • what is the Visitor doing?
  • Flow: What page are they on? What page were they on before? What events did they trigger, what’s the event History - video play, pause seek, play, seek
  • Time between events
  • Compare these Flows to the models created by UX - how are Visitors moving through the site/features? what were we expecting?

Outcome / business

  • macro and micro conversions
  • task completion
  • events
  • SMART goals
  • What single thing will the visitor do next?

Example Businesses

E-commerce purchase lifetime value (ltv)
Subscription average revenue per account (ARPA) & Churn rate
Documentation direct feedback helpful
Businesscard contact
Blog revisit/enjoy content
Portfolio / view & contact
Small business appointments

from Google analytics
Lead-Generierung Onlinecommunity Online-Support


websites constantly change - we need a process to keep this up-to-date

unstructured thoughs

11: Client Vision & Purpose - Who and their Tomorrow
12: Objectives, Goals, KPIs, OKs- What are they doing Today
13: Business Questions
19: Methods and Guides

Starting off with Digital Analytics, we really want to know where we are headed. We need a Plan. We should start with the Numbers that really matter! Which numbers really matter? What are the Keyperformance indicators?

The Numbers that indicate how well you are accomplishing the thing you are trying to accomplish, are the numbers that matter.

Try these 7 steps by Simon Jackson of

  1. Draft your goal
  2. Get to the heart of what matters
  3. Set your goal as a dimension with direction
  4. Draw your goal
  5. Imagine what you’d expect to observe at each end
  6. Refine and visualize expectations
  7. Pick your metrics



Mein Tipp ist eine Methode / ein Prozess. Angewandt, ist dessen Ergebnis ist ein einzelnes, maßgeschneidertes Modell zur Auswertung aller Online Aktivitäten (Eigene Webseiten, Social-Media Platformen, …). In Mittelstand sowie Großunternehmen hat sie zu neuen KPIs & Insights geführt.


Unternehmens Ziele-> bilden sich ab auf Online Präsenzen

  • Eigene, Gemietete
  • Why does your website/campaign exist?

-> Kanal/Presänzen Ziele zur Erreichung der Unternehmens Ziele -> KPI -> +Strategie -> Target

==> Ergebnis

  • Woher Kommen die Leute her
  • Wie verhalten sie sich
    -> um zum Kanal Ziel zu kommen.